Notification of the 10th Annual General Meeting of


You are invited to attend the 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of MID CHESHIRE AGAINST HS2 (MCAHS2), which will be held at

Pickmere Village Hall, Pickmere Lane, Pickmere, WA16 0JP

on Tuesday 19th September 2023 at 7:30pm

The agenda for the meeting will be as follows:

·       Apologies (management committee and committee members)

·       Record of attendance (supporters)

·       Ewen Simpson

·       To review and approve the minutes of the 9th AGM, that was held on the 2nd September 2022

·       Matters arising from the minutes of the 9th AGM

·       To receive a report from the Vice Chair, this will summarise the activities of MCAHS2 since the last AGM

·       To receive a report from the Treasurer, this will summarise the current financial position of MCAHS2

·       Fundraising

·       Future strategy

·       To consider any matters raised by members of the MCAHS2 management committee and committee members

·       To consider any matters raised by MCAHS2 supporters

·       Management committee and committee member changes, since the last AGM

·       To elect and/or re-elect MCAHS2 management committee and committee members for the forthcoming year

·       Any other business

Graham Dellow

For and on behalf of the Mid Cheshire Against HS2 management committee